Questions tagged [half-life]

Half-Life is a series of computer games. The first eponymous game was released in 1998, while the conclusion of the story is yet to be completed and released. After an initial experiment accidentally opens a portal to another world, the protagonist Gordon Freeman tries to free Earth from the resulting invasion by hostile aliens.

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11 votes
1 answer

How long are the events of Half-Life 2 in-universe?

So I know the time it takes to play Half-Life 2 (15 hours), but it seems like the entirety of Half-Life 2 + Episode 1 and Episode 2 is only a week long. Gordon arrives, meets up with his old Black ...
Epidem7c's user avatar
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2 answers

Short movies on YouTube resembling Half Life

I am trying to identify two short movies I watched on YouTube years ago. They were live action movies, Both took place in same universum, that was clearly inspired by Half Life series, but were not ...
psych4tog's user avatar
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1 answer

Was there any intentional meaning behind Gordon Freeman's surname?

In Half-Life 2, we do hear the Vortigaunts referring to Gordon as "The Free Man" which kind of makes sense under the oppressive regime of the Combine and that he has become the symbol of the ...
komodosp's user avatar
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What is the meaning of this drawing of a combine soldier holding a baby next to the word 'Caste' in Half Life 2?

I used to play the Half Life games a few years ago, and among the many screenshots I had taken, here is the most questionable one: What is this picture about?
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Any friendly creatures in Xen?

In the Half-life universe, are there any friendly creatures, except for the rescued Vortigaunts? The Wikipedia articles about Xen show only unfriendly creatures.
SovereignSun's user avatar
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Why are Vortigaunts violent in Half Life 1, but peaceful in Half Life 2?

Why are vortigaunts violent in Half Life 1, but peaceful in Half Life 2?
Matthew Layton's user avatar
6 votes
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Would Gordon Freeman have died after killing the Nihilanth?

At the end of Half-Life 2 after the Teleporter is destroyed, when Alex is saying they have time (to escape the explosion i assume) Time freezes and G-Man appears interrupting Alex (now frozen as well) ...
Memor-X's user avatar
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5 votes
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In Half-Life 2, how many people would fit in Combine Dropship's Troop container?

In Half-Life 2, how many people would fit in Combine Dropship's Troop container? (Or, how many had been deployed at one time at most (max. number I know of is 6, at Lighthouse Point)? And, how many ...
TTT's user avatar
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In Half-Life 2, how many people would fit in an Combine APC?

In Half-Life 2 (original game or episodes), how many people would fit in an Combine APC? (Or, in other words, if the lore doesn't say anything, how many CP's or soldiers had been near an APC at most ...
TTT's user avatar
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What are the dimensions of a Combine synth gunship from Half Life 2?

I've attempted to reverse-engineer the dimensions from screenshots, but this method has proved unreliable. I've found no trace of any record of the Combine synth gunship's dimensions online, and have ...
Alexia's user avatar
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25 votes
1 answer

In Half Life 2, why is the game logo the symbol of the resistance?

In Half Life 1, the reasoning for the game logo makes sense: the whole storyline is sparked by a high-energy particle experiment gone wrong. Thus, the lambda is the out-of-universe game logo. The ...
John Walthour's user avatar
16 votes
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Why is Gordon Freeman recognized as a legendary hero in Half Life 2?

Gordon Freeman disappeared at the end of Half Life 1 for several years. His exploits in Black Mesa were witnessed by very few people, most of whom likely died when the site was later nuked. Most of ...
vsz's user avatar
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How did Gordon Freeman survive the entire storyline without a helmet?

In almost every picture you see of Gordon Freeman depicts him with his HEV suit helmet-less, and helmets were designed for the HEV suit: Despite not protecting the most vital part of his body, he ...
Gigazelle's user avatar
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Was Half Life 1 inspired by HP Lovecraft's "Fungi from Yuggoth"?

The similarities aren't stark, but they remind me about each other so much. Yuggoth... is a strange dark orb at the very rim of our solar system... There are mighty cities on Yuggoth—great ...
Starkers's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

How do you make a combine soldier?

In the half-life series, post seven-hour war, earth or at least part of it is beset by an alien force the combine, who use a modified transhuman creature that serves as the main enemy. How are they ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
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5 votes
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Black Mesa suits in the Xen World

Why were there so many Black Mesa radiation suits in the Xen world?
Blue's user avatar
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14 votes
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What was the time span over which the events in Half Life took place?

What was the time it took Gordon to get from the beginning of the story (anomalous materials facility of Black Mesa) to the Nihilanth? I believe he arrived in the morning but I don't recall walking ...
bitmask's user avatar
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What is the natural prey for headcrabs?

Headcrabs perfectly fit on human heads. But they must have evolved to that point on their home world (which is not Xen, btw.) without humans. How did their food chain look like before they came (...
bitmask's user avatar
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31 votes
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What is the link between the Portal series and Half-Life series?

I already know they shared the same universe through some mention of the Black Mesa organization - namely in the first Portal's Still Alive end song and the second game's Cave Johnson comment that ...
DavRob60's user avatar
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Are the Half-Life 2 Antlions a Starship Troopers reference?

The Antlions in Half-Life 2: bear a strong resemblance to the Starship Troopers Warrior Bug Although these pictures don't convey the resemblance very well, especially when in swarms antlions are ...
bitmask's user avatar
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Technology behind the ZPM and Gravity Gun

Does anyone know if the Zero Point Energy gun and the Zero Point Module are related? Do they operate on similar technologies? (I think they both use gravity, but in different forms) It would also be ...
Teknophilia's user avatar
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