There's a comic in the Age of Apocalypse called The chosen, where a Madri goes into the computer of Apocalypse in order to know if the Madri are chosen or forgotten. It says at the second page of the issue: "But only one of the Madri would dare access his most classified data".

I knew that the Madri were replicas of Madrox, is there something special about this gossip Madri, or just someone put there without reason?

1 Answer 1


As far as we can tell, no. By using the phrase "But only one of the Madri would dare access his most classified data", I believe that it was meant to convey that Apocalypse viewed this particular Madri as either un-loyal or insane to his cause, which was punishable by death, regardless of who you were.

  • Just thought I'd check, is there anything else I could add to improve upon this answer? Aug 27, 2019 at 0:21
  • No, it was a fine answer :) Aug 12, 2020 at 18:56

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