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StarKillerStarkiller was the very first example of this. He was trained by Darth Vader as his secret apprentice but ultimentlyultimately went on to become a founding member of the rebel allianceRebel Alliance. This of course is only in Legends (which I think is the real canon) and not the (Disney) canon. But, still, he was the first sithSith turned jediJedi that we saw.

StarKiller was the very first example of this. He was trained by Darth Vader as his secret apprentice but ultimently went on to become a founding member of the rebel alliance. This of course is only in Legends (which I think is the real canon) and not the (Disney) canon. But still he was the first sith turned jedi that we saw

Starkiller was the very first example of this. He was trained by Darth Vader as his secret apprentice but ultimately went on to become a founding member of the Rebel Alliance. This of course is only in Legends and not the (Disney) canon. But, still, he was the first Sith turned Jedi that we saw.

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StarKiller was the very first example of this. He was trained by Darth Vader as his secret apprentice but ultimently went on to become a founding member of the rebel alliance. This of course is only in Legends (which I think is the real canon) and not the (Disney) canon. But still he was the first sith turned jedi that we saw