I found some good info on this question here:
http://forums.theonering.com/viewtopic.php?t=52525on The One Ring site:
This addresses questions of height among many Tolkien characters including Thingol, the NúmenoreansNúmenóreans, the declination of height with decreasing noble lineage, and the upper/lower limits on some of Middle-Earth'searth's tallest mortals and elves (with citations in "The Unfinished Tales of Númenor"The Unfinished Tales of Númenor, "The Silmarillion"The Silmarillion, "The Peoples of Middle-Earth"The Peoples of Middle-earth, and a few JRRT letters).
In summary these are some estimates given:
Thingol ~ lower limit probably about 7'6 - 8' tall
Turgon ~ lower limit just under Thingol
Argon (son of Fingolfin) ~ lower limit at or under that of Turgon
Elendil ~ said to be 7'10 in one reference but "about 7 foot" in another.
Galadriel ~ considered to be "man height", which by Tolkien, was 6'4
Aragorn ~ 6'6
Boromir ~ 6'4
Most men of Noble NumenoreanNúmenórean blood during the 2nd Age ~ 7' was common
Ñoldorean Elves were of the tallest brood (Thingol was an anomaly - as he was Teleri)
The Men of Gondor's stature had declined along with purity of blood through the 3rd age
Men of the South and Easterlings should be of slighter stature as they are descended from the Dark Men who have always been allied with Morgoth & Sauron, and never had any part in the "Gift of the Vala" to the NúmenoreansNúmenóreans.