No, not really.
1924 - Psycho-ship was the vehicle in Goncharov's book "Psycho-Ship" ("Психо-машина") - part of "Interstellar Traveller" dilogy. It was designed for exploration and moved using psychic energy.
1956 - Passing the torch temporarily (pun intended) to English speaking works, Heinlein's "Time for the Stars" has torchships, explicitly designed for exploration.
1957 - Efremov's "Andromeda Nebula" ("Тума́нность Андроме́ды") has starship "Tantra" ("Тантра") which was built for exploration. As well as several other exploration-only ships.
1958 - to continue on Efremov streak, "Cor Serpentis" ("Сердце Змеи") has "Tellur" exploration ship ("Теллур")
1962 - moving from classics to classics, A&B Strugatskie (brothersthe Strugatsky brothers) have several exploration spaceships in "Полдень, XXII век" ("Noon, 22d century""Noon, 22d century"), including "Taymyr" ("Таймыр").
Apropos nothing, that 1962 book has a made-up mind-recording cutting edge technology named "Kasparo-Karpov" method.