###We just don't see that many airbenders.
We just don't see that many airbenders.
Especially powerful airbenders, those who have mastered the element, can manipulate the air around themselves, which would enable them to fly through it. But there just aren't that many airbenders left. Aang is the only airbender in The Last Airbender and I think there are only Tenzin and his children in The Legend of Korra.
So we just don't see enough airbenders that have really mastered the element enough to fly unassisted.
Firebenders generate their own fire. Firebending is all about overpowering force tempered by the unflinching will to accomplish tasks and desires. So a firebender just needs to keep pumping out the fire with enough force and they could fly all day.
The key to Airbending is following the path of least resistance, so an Airbender would naturally fly with their staff on the air, as they don't generate their own.