Although he was gay, Dumbledore didn’t experience homophobia in the magical world. “The wizards don't give a damn – it's all about the magic for them.”. Hogwarts was a safe space for LGBT students. Likewise, race wasn't an issue either.
Anthony Goldstein (a Ravenclaw student in Harry’s year) was Jewish. He wasn’t the first or only Jewish student in the school, but he got special mention because he was one of the original forty students. His name comes from one of Rowling's friends.
On the topic of religion, the only religion she didn’t imagine at Hogwarts was Wiccan. (Because it's "a different concept of magic".
Fluffy was “repatriated to Greece” by Dumbledore.
Ron's Patronus is a Jack Russell.
Moaning Myrtle's full name is Myrtle Elizabeth Warren. The name was chosen to match the time period and has nothing to do with the US Senator of the same name.
Of the two Weasley twins, Fred was born first.
Regarding Lupins death: "Arthur lived, so Lupin had to die. I'm sorry. I didn't enjoy doing it. The only time my editor ever saw me cry was over the fate of Teddy."
Harry intentionally didn’t name a child ‘Remus’, so that Teddy could use the name for his own son. Harry only "chose to perpetuate the names of the two who had nobody in their families to do so." He didn't name his kid elvendork becuase Rowling wanted to save the name for herself in case she had a fourth child.
Madam Pince comes from a childhood fear of scary librarians. (I’m slightly guessing – the context from the tweet she was replying to is missing.)
Luna’s birthday is 13th February.
Uncle Vernon loves Top Gear and signed the petition for Clarkson’s reinstatement. But when asked if Vernon would make a good host, she said “His total lack of charm or charisma might have prevented it becoming a global franchise”. He would vote for Brexit.
Hagrid couldn’t produce a Patronus.
James S Potter (Harry’s son) was sorted into Gryffindor. Teddy Lupin was sorted into Hufflepuff, and eventually became Head Boy. (tweet) Teddy was only appeared at Platform 9 3/4 the following year so he could say goodbye to Victoire.
Ron is not a time-travelling Dumbledore. Nor is Draco a werewolf, or Snape a vampire. Dumbledore as Death, however, is "a beautiful theory which fits". Dumbledore is not Jeremy Corbyn. (She gets asked this one a lot.)
Rowling finds it strangely upsetting that anyone would believe Fawkes is Dumbledore's Hurcrux. He isn't, and the theory makes no sense if you've "read and understood the books".
Sirius’s birthday is 3rd November.
Draco Malfoy was born on June 5th, 1980. "Girls are misguided to fancy him."
Why Harry named his kid after Snape (aka "Snape: Good, Evil or What?"):
"Snape died for Harry out of love for Lily. Harry paid him tribute in forgiveness and gratitude.¹" (Forgiveness for when "Snape projected his hatred and jealousy of James onto Harry².")
"There's a whole essay in why Harry gave his son Snape's name, but the decision goes to the heart of who Harry was, post-war.³
"Snape is all grey. You can't make him a saint: he was vindictive and bullying.⁴ You can't make him a devil: he died to save the wizarding world.⁵ In honouring Snape, Harry hoped in his heart that he too would be forgiven. The deaths at the Battle of Hogwarts would haunt Harry forever.⁶
"No, not a rant; I'm thoughtful, not upset! Snape deserves both admiration and disapprobation, like most of us.⁷
"Snape was a bully who loved the goodness he sensed in Lily without being able to emulate her. That was his tragedy.⁸ Snape didn't die for 'ideals'. He died in an attempt to expiate his own guilt. He could have broken cover at any time to save himself⁹ but he chose not to tell Voldemort that the latter was making a fatal error in targeting Harry. Snape's silence ensured Harry's victory.¹⁰ He stood to gain nothing personally but the triumph of the cause Lily had believed in. He was trying to do right.¹¹"
Snape is "the big hero/bully. He really was the best/worst".
Why was Wormtail in Gryffindor? "'I sometimes think we Sort too soon.' He travelled further and further from who he could have been."
Voldemort was "nowhere near as bad" as American businessman Donald Trump.
Canon Hermione has "brown eyes, frizzy hair and is very clever, but white skin was never specified". (Though this does contradict the way that she was described in book 6she was described in book 6, and the way that Rowling always drew herthe way that Rowling always drew her.)
Hedwig's death was symbolism to death of childhood.
Dobby's birthday is on June 28th, because that's Rowling's sister's brithday, who loves the character.
William the Pukwudgie's voice sounds like Tom Waits.
Dean Thomas was called Gary in the original draft of Philosopher's Stone, but Jo forgot this until being reminded with a picture.