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Well, Gollum says he saw a man with four fingers, a direct reference to Sauron, so we can assume he has physical or at least visible form. I like to think he just kinda chills in the tower and uses the eye to watch over Mordor. 

If he got the ring back I assume he would put it on his other hand, or another finger, until the ring gave him egnoughenough power to regenerate his missing finger. He would try to use the one ringOne Ring to control the bearers of the three elvenElven rings, Gandalf, Galadriel and Elrond, controlling any who were too weak to resist or remove the rings fast enough and perhaps turning them into wraiths. Either way with the one ringOne Ring he would eventually collect the other three, cuz he wants them for their powers and stuff. 

As for his next step, I really have no idea. Perhaps burn everything? Perhaps bend manMan to his will? When he practically took over Numinore beNúmenor he created a Morgoth cult and killed people for giggles, till eruEru sank the place, so if I had to guess I'd say he would do the same, and then either the Valar or Eru would step in and kill everyone. Or, alternatively, he enslaves all races and launches a full scale assault on the Valar, and rescues his old boss from the Void. Together they destroy the Valar and finally reshape the earth as they see fit, with darkness and volcano'svolcanos and sicknastysick-nasty death metal album cover landscapes. Pretty rad. Unless you'reyour body isn't one that can handle lava and lack of air and the brutal awesomeness that is Morgoth's paradise. epic gutar rif and fade

Well, Gollum says he saw a man with four fingers, a direct reference to Sauron, so we can assume he has physical or at least visible form. I like to think he just kinda chills in the tower and uses the eye to watch over Mordor. If he got the ring back I assume he would put it on his other hand, or another finger, until the ring gave him egnough power to regenerate his missing finger. He would try to use the one ring to control the bearers of the three elven rings, Gandalf, Galadriel and Elrond, controlling any who were too weak to resist or remove the rings fast enough and perhaps turning them into wraiths. Either way with the one ring he would eventually collect the other three, cuz he wants them for their powers and stuff. As for his next step, I really have no idea. Perhaps burn everything? Perhaps bend man to his will? When he practically took over Numinore be created a Morgoth cult and killed people for giggles, till eru sank the place, so if I had to guess I'd say he would do the same, and then either the Valar or Eru would step in and kill everyone. Or, alternatively, he enslaves all races and launches a full scale assault on the Valar, and rescues his old boss from the Void. Together they destroy the Valar and finally reshape the earth as they see fit, with darkness and volcano's and sicknasty death metal album cover landscapes. Pretty rad. Unless you're body isn't one that can handle lava and lack of air and the brutal awesomeness that is Morgoth's paradise. epic gutar rif and fade

Well, Gollum says he saw a man with four fingers, a direct reference to Sauron, so we can assume he has physical or at least visible form. I like to think he just kinda chills in the tower and uses the eye to watch over Mordor. 

If he got the ring back I assume he would put it on his other hand, or another finger, until the ring gave him enough power to regenerate his missing finger. He would try to use the One Ring to control the bearers of the three Elven rings, Gandalf, Galadriel and Elrond, controlling any who were too weak to resist or remove the rings fast enough and perhaps turning them into wraiths. Either way with the One Ring he would eventually collect the other three, cuz he wants them for their powers and stuff. 

As for his next step, I really have no idea. Perhaps burn everything? Perhaps bend Man to his will? When he practically took over Númenor he created a Morgoth cult and killed people for giggles, till Eru sank the place, so if I had to guess I'd say he would do the same, and then either the Valar or Eru would step in and kill everyone. Or, alternatively, he enslaves all races and launches a full scale assault on the Valar, and rescues his old boss from the Void. Together they destroy the Valar and finally reshape the earth as they see fit, with darkness and volcanos and sick-nasty death metal album cover landscapes. Pretty rad. Unless your body isn't one that can handle lava and lack of air and the brutal awesomeness that is Morgoth's paradise.

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Well, gollumGollum says he saw a man with four fingers, a direct reference to Sauron, so we can assume he has physical or at least corporalvisible form. I like to think he just kinda chills in the tower and uses the eye to watch over mordorMordor. If he got the ring back I assume he would put it on his other hand, or another finger, until the ring gave him egnough power to regenerate his missing finger. He would try to use the one ring to control the bearers of the three elven rings, gandalfGandalf, galadrielGaladriel and elrondElrond, controlling any who were totoo weak to resist or remove the rings fast enough and perhaps turning them into wraiths. WithEither way with the one ring he would eventually collect the other three, cuz he wants them for their powers and stuff. As for his next step, I really have no idea. Perhaps burn everything? Perhaps bend man to his will? When he practically took over numinoreNuminore be created a Morgoth cult and killed people for giggles, till eru sank the place, so if I had to guess I'd say he would do the same, and then either the valarValar or eruEru would step in and kill everyone. Or, alternatively, he enslaves all races and launches a full scale assault on the valarValar, and rescues his old boss from the Void. Together they destroy the valarValar and finally reshape the earth as they see fit, with darkness and volcano's and sicknasty death metal album cover landscapes. Pretty rad. Unless you're body isn't one that can handle lava and lack of air and the brutal awesomeness that is Morgoth's paradise. epic gutar rif and fade

Well, gollum says he saw a man with four fingers, a direct reference to Sauron, so we can assume he has physical or at least corporal form. I like to think he just kinda chills in the tower and uses the eye to watch over mordor. If he got the ring back I assume he would put it on his other hand, or another finger, until the ring gave him egnough power to regenerate his missing finger. He would try to use the one ring to control the bearers of the three elven rings, gandalf, galadriel and elrond, controlling any who were to weak to resist or remove the rings fast enough and perhaps turning them into wraiths. With the ring he would eventually collect the other three, cuz he wants them for their powers and stuff. As for his next step, I really have no idea. Perhaps burn everything? Perhaps bend man to his will? When he practically took over numinore be created a Morgoth cult and killed people for giggles, till eru sank the place, so if I had to guess I'd say he would do the same, and then either the valar or eru would step in and kill everyone. Or, alternatively, he enslaves all races and launches a full scale assault on the valar, and rescues his old boss from the Void. Together they destroy the valar and finally reshape the earth as they see fit, with darkness and volcano's and sicknasty death metal album cover landscapes. Pretty rad. Unless you're body isn't one that can handle lava and lack of air and the brutal awesomeness that is Morgoth's paradise. epic gutar rif and fade

Well, Gollum says he saw a man with four fingers, a direct reference to Sauron, so we can assume he has physical or at least visible form. I like to think he just kinda chills in the tower and uses the eye to watch over Mordor. If he got the ring back I assume he would put it on his other hand, or another finger, until the ring gave him egnough power to regenerate his missing finger. He would try to use the one ring to control the bearers of the three elven rings, Gandalf, Galadriel and Elrond, controlling any who were too weak to resist or remove the rings fast enough and perhaps turning them into wraiths. Either way with the one ring he would eventually collect the other three, cuz he wants them for their powers and stuff. As for his next step, I really have no idea. Perhaps burn everything? Perhaps bend man to his will? When he practically took over Numinore be created a Morgoth cult and killed people for giggles, till eru sank the place, so if I had to guess I'd say he would do the same, and then either the Valar or Eru would step in and kill everyone. Or, alternatively, he enslaves all races and launches a full scale assault on the Valar, and rescues his old boss from the Void. Together they destroy the Valar and finally reshape the earth as they see fit, with darkness and volcano's and sicknasty death metal album cover landscapes. Pretty rad. Unless you're body isn't one that can handle lava and lack of air and the brutal awesomeness that is Morgoth's paradise. epic gutar rif and fade

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Well, gollum says he saw a man with four fingers, a direct reference to Sauron, so we can assume he has physical or at least corporal form. I like to think he just kinda chills in the tower and uses the eye to watch over mordor. If he got the ring back I assume he would put it on his other hand, or another finger, until the ring gave him egnough power to regenerate his missing finger. He would try to use the one ring to control the bearers of the three elven rings, gandalf, galadriel and elrond, controlling any who were to weak to resist or remove the rings fast enough and perhaps turning them into wraiths. With the ring he would eventually collect the other three, cuz he wants them for their powers and stuff. As for his next step, I really have no idea. Perhaps burn everything? Perhaps bend man to his will? When he practically took over numinore be created a Morgoth cult and killed people for giggles, till eru sank the place, so if I had to guess I'd say he would do the same, and then either the valar or eru would step in and kill everyone. Or, alternatively, he enslaves all races and launches a full scale assault on the valar, and rescues his old boss from the Void. Together they destroy the valar and finally reshape the earth as they see fit, with darkness and volcano's and sicknasty death metal album cover landscapes. Pretty rad. Unless you're body isn't one that can handle lava and lack of air and the brutal awesomeness that is Morgoth's paradise. epic gutar rif and fade