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Does Data have an odor*smell*?

Throughout Star Trek, Data reminds people that he is, in fact, an android. While he doesn't sweat, his artificial skin and hair should have their own scent -- yet it's never remarked on, as far as I know.

Does Data have a particular scent?


(Sorry, Soong!)

Does Data have an odor?

Throughout Star Trek, Data reminds people that he is, in fact, an android. While he doesn't sweat, his artificial skin and hair should have their own scent -- yet it's never remarked on, as far as I know.

Does Data have a particular scent?


(Sorry, Soong!)

Does Data *smell*?

Throughout Star Trek, Data reminds people that he is, in fact, an android. While he doesn't sweat, his artificial skin and hair should have their own scent -- yet it's never remarked on, as far as I know.

Does Data have a particular scent?


(Sorry, Soong!)

title ambiguity - iamge upload to prevent link rot
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Does Data *smell*have an odor?

Throughout Star Trek, Data reminds people that he is, in fact, an android. While he doesn't sweat, his artificial skin and hair should have their own scent -- yet it's never remarked on, as far as I know.

Does Data have a particular scent?


(Sorry, Soong!)

Does Data *smell*?

Throughout Star Trek, Data reminds people that he is, in fact, an android. While he doesn't sweat, his artificial skin and hair should have their own scent -- yet it's never remarked on, as far as I know.

Does Data have a particular scent?


(Sorry, Soong!)

Does Data have an odor?

Throughout Star Trek, Data reminds people that he is, in fact, an android. While he doesn't sweat, his artificial skin and hair should have their own scent -- yet it's never remarked on, as far as I know.

Does Data have a particular scent?


(Sorry, Soong!)

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Throughout Star Trek, Data reminds people that he is, in fact, an android. While he doesn't sweat, his artificial skin and hair should have their own scent -- yet it's never remarked on, as far as I know.

Does Data have a particular scent?


(Sorry, SoongSoong!)

Throughout Star Trek, Data reminds people that he is, in fact, an android. While he doesn't sweat, his artificial skin and hair should have their own scent -- yet it's never remarked on, as far as I know.

Does Data have a particular scent?


(Sorry, Soong!)

Throughout Star Trek, Data reminds people that he is, in fact, an android. While he doesn't sweat, his artificial skin and hair should have their own scent -- yet it's never remarked on, as far as I know.

Does Data have a particular scent?


(Sorry, Soong!)

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