I believe someone else may have already pointed this out but both glamdringGlamdring and orcristOrcrist were incredibly feared blades in theretheir time and we'rewere supposed to have slain thousands of goblins this. This would most likely lead to a rather memorable description amongst the goblins. Another possible reason is that as supported in the link http://tolkien.cro.net/orcs/goblins.htmlhere Orcsorcs and goblins are the same thing, and as many fans of TolkiensTolkien's work know, Orcs actually were made from elves that were tortured until they were horribly disfigured and essentialyessentially went insane and. And also as we may know Elves cannot die of old age so. So considering this information it is possible that these Goblins/Orcs had seen glamdringGlamdring and orcristOrcrist before.