From my understanding of Star Fleet and the federation.Federation – Humanity is a little more mature than present day humanity. Protecting humanity by beating up or destroying threats isn't the federation'sFederation's MO. Granted, there are always outliers (Matthew doughertyDougherty, admiral pikeAdmiral Pike, ectetc.) that see the federationFederation as vulnerable and want to arm it to the teeth. As I said, though, Humanity is the beating heart of a Federation of widely diverse peoples and cultures. They are an inclusionary force in the universe, not an exclusionary one. Star Trek Enterprise had a new spicesspecies or faction joining the federationFederation every other episode. The federationFederation even tried to bring in species that wherewere overtly hostile by talking them down,, the romulansRomulans. Granted, granted it only worked for only short periods of time, but that is the point, I think. Even though Romulus and the Federation are basically at a nonstop cold war, the federationFederation is always open to talking with the romulansRomulans. They are almost always willing to take the first step and try to include someone rather than keep them at armsarm's length with a knife. That is the big picture painting about humanity and more over the universe. This is NOT the grim darkness of the far future where there is only war. This is a universe werewhere bad shit happens for sure. But, more importantly, this is a universe where problems don't NEED to be solved with a fleet of Scimitar. They can more often than not be solved with a heart to heart., and some times that heart to heart is proceededpreceded by a shirtless battle on a desert world, because you have to have some action in there, right?
Simply put, The federationthe Federation is concerned primarily with exploration and unity/community with a baseline of defense as a deterrent only. It would, however, much rather invite an enemy to be an ally without firing a shot if at all possible. This version of humanity has had much more than it'sits fair share of war, pain, suffering, and injustice thanks to world war 3World War III. (Encounter"Encounter at FarpointFarpoint" is a good example).) Your question comes from the point of 'safety through force of arms.,' Whichwhich is not the way the federationFederation mindset works.
The Borg in star trekStar Trek are deus machinaDeus ex Machina. They, by all rights, should have taken over creation by now. But given that Star trekTrek often misplaces technology or has single use mechanisms that cannot be reproduced. The, the oversight is forgivable.
Alright that is an end to my blathering.