It was made for the dwarf Azaghâl, Lord of Belegost, another city not too far from Nogrod. HeAfter Maedhros saved his life during an ambush by the Orcs, Azaghâl passed the Helm to him. Azaghâl was later killed by Glaurung during the Nírnaeth Arnoediad, but had earlier given the Helm to Maedhros because he had saved his life during an ambush by the Orcs.
Maedhros then sent itthe Helm as a gift to Fingon, who had beaten Glaurung back to Angband. Finally, when Fingon gave the Helm to Hador when he was given the lordship of Dor-lómin to Hador, he also gave him the Helm and it became a heirloom of histhe House of Hador.
Húrin, father of Túrin, did not use the Helm in battle ("I would rather look on my foes with my true face"), but still kept it as a treasured item. When Thingol sent messengers to Morwen asking her to go to Doriath to be reunited with her son, she refused and sent back the Helm. But, but Túrin was not yet old enough to wear it.