I don't think there were any hints priorPrior to Season 4, my answer would have been pretty straighforward.
There were no hints, from anyone, about what the Observers really were, and no real indication that they were the source of the ZFT's crisis. No one knew who or what they were, while Bell and the other ZFT-ites clearly knew (or thought they knew) what it was they were fighting against. I think it was pretty clear that the war that the ZFT was trying to stop was the invasion of the shape shifters, and we have no reason to believe those came from anywhere but Walternate's science division.
I'm not entirely clear whethersatisfied with the "resolution" of the ZFT story was "resolved" once Olivia met Bellarc, but in the primea totally out-of-universe, thus fulfilling ZFT's purpose and moving into the next phase, or if way. I feel more like they took the whole alternate-universe story arc was dropped in favor ofa different direction and just dropped the "Walternate's plan" story that dominatedZFT bit on the next two seasonsfloor. But that's just MHO; in-universe ZFT was about the shapeshifters, and those were a weapon of Walternate.
InAfter the past few episodes of Season 4, my answer changes slightly. I still do not believe that the Observers are the source of the ZFT's warnings, however:
DRJ pops back up and he is apparently quoting the same ZFT propoganda as he did the first time (He recruits Cortexiphan patients for William Bell using "the old words"). Walternate's shapeshifter army has long since stopped being a thread, though,
so I suspect there is much morethink the answer now to your question is "we haven't yet found out exactly what the ZFT story than just whatwas warning about because it hasn't happened in Season 2yet."