- The First Age began withcovered the first risingperiod up to the defeat of Morgoth. This included 590 years after the creation of the Sun (and thousands of years before that).
- The Second Age began with the defeat of Morgoth and the founding of Númenor.lasted for 3,441 years
- The Third Age began with the death of Sauron by the Last Alliance and lasted for 3021 years.
- The Fourth Age began with the departure of the ring-bearers from Middle Earth.
The chronology of the First Age is complicated by the fact that the counting of years couldn't start until the Sun was created. With each new Age, the count of years began again at "1".
ThisThe houses of Men who fought alongside the Eldar in the First Age adapted the calendar of the Eldar for their own use. They changed the week to 7 days and split the year into months of almost equal length.
Kings Reckoning began with the founding on Númenor at the beginning of the Second Age and was the calendar used in Númenor, and in Arnor and Gondor until the end of the kings. It had weeks of 7 days.
The year began in midwinter and consisted of 12 months. The 6th and 7th months had 31 days and the rest had 30. There were three additional days (not part of any month) at the start, middle and end of the year. Every fourth year (except a century year), there were two middle days instead of one. There were also adjustments made every millennium to more closely match the solar year.
Kings Reckoning began with the founding on Númenor at the beginning of the Second Age.
Steward's Reckoning
This was introduced by Mardil the Steward of Gondor in part to correct inaccuracies in the millennial adjustments that were introduced when the Third Age began in the middle of a millennium.
The changes were adopted by most people in the west of Middle-earth, except the Hobbits of The Shire.
Shire Reckoning
Shire Reckoning was adapted by the Hobbits from the Kings Reckoning.