Well, in my logic, inmotepImhotep could have at least recalled Evie to look exactly like Nefertiri. He was there induring the weapon fight scene NerfertiriNerfertiri had with Ankh se namunAnck-Su-Namun in MUMMY RETURNSThe Mummy Returns. But when he called Evie Ankh se namun"Anck-Su-Namun" when he first saw her, I had a feeling it is his way of remembering how Nefertiri always made Ankh Se namunAnck-Su-Namun feel inferior. And the feeling of never being number one during the Pharoah's era was not fair for her. Thus, maybe by sacrificing a Nefertiri look alike to bring back Ankh sanamunAnck-Su-Namun, InmotepImhotep could say he evenged foravenged his lover's pride and glory.