In one of the final scenes in DIS: Will You Take My HandDIS: Will You Take My Hand we see a new United Federation of Planets insignia on the wall behind the admirals.
The insignia has two acronyms, the upper one is obvious and stands for the United Federation of Planets.
The other one may stand for Fédération des planètes unies, which would be the United Federation of Planets in French. It makes further sense, given that the ceremony was held in Paris.
Why does the Federation insignia have two acronyms?
Has it been consistent throughout the whole of Star Trek: Discovery or was this the only occurrence in the series?
Is French a dead language or is it an official language of the Federation?
Why was French language superior to Vulcan, Andorian, or Tellaritan?
Please note that these are not additional questions (which should be divided into separate ones), but some points to consider when answering the question in bold.
Given that it was the final episode aired, both in-universe and out-of-universe answers are appreciated.