1928's "The Revolt of the Pedestrians" by David H. Keller is the forerunner of this type of story. Humanity has split into two subspecies: "Automobilists" and "Pedestrians". The motorists have become so dependent on their "autocars" that their legs have atrophied.
The motorists have the upper hand at the beginning of the story:
There is a scene with a little boy and his father at a museum exhibit of pedestrians, who, being fair game for being run over, have been nearly exterminated.
Then came the final law providing for the legal murder of all pedestrians on the highway, wherever or whenever they could be hit by an auto.
The title should tell you the situation doesn't stay that way.
Keller was a eugenicist and a racist eugenicist, but as long as you can maintaimmaintain suspension of disbelief the story will hold you.