YES! In Canon, Star Wars Clone Wars, an animated episode depicted the Zillo Beast:
The Zillo Beast, an Unbreakable Creature
It originates from Malastare
Its heavy plated armor was invulnerable to explosions, blaster fire, and even lightsaber strikes. Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker discovered that gaps in the creature's armored plates could be exploited to damage or stun the creature.
I remember watchingDuring the episode, the Jedi knights attempted to pierce the armor of it, but it was not worthwhile, they did absolutely no damage. It didn't even leave a mark.
See this clip of Anakin's Lightsaber doing nothing: Clip of "The Zillo Beast"
The Zillo Beast appeared in the episodes "The Zillo Beast" and "The Zillo Beast Strikes Back" from the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series.
Originally, The Emperor actually clonedrequested that they should clone the beast in plans on using the skin ashopes of creating new armor forusing the Clone Troopersskin, but as far as I've heard, I know nothing morethe show has yet to use it anywhere.
See this clip of him ordering the cloning: Clip of "The Zillo Beast Strikes Back"
So yeah, not everything can be pierced, including theThe Force Deities, who were also untouchable by lightsabers. They could wield the pure energies of the force, basically making them invulnerable to the lightsabers and any other force-based ability.