This is a mid-80s'80s story from AsimovsAsimov's, I think.
A woman is grocery shopping (or just finished) and in a bad mood -— people are rude, her kids poorly behaved and USU.S.-USSRU.S.S.R. tensions very high. She is questioned by an alien in human form who asks her about the world and in irritation, she lies -— everyone is kind, kids are great, etc. The alien says (something like), "Oh, no. Our research has degraded your planet -— we'll fix it"it."
Next morning, the kids are behaving, peace has broken out, and at the grocery store when she's a dollar short, the person behind her in line gives her money.
The alien reappears to say that he's restored the world to the way she reported it should be - and she realizes that she's unchanged as an unhappy, not-very-nice person in a world far better than she can be comfortable in.