Looking for the identity of a short story. Heard it on a podcast 5 or so years ago and I know there is a short story written somewhere.
A man is hired as an assistant to a necromancer because of his skills in translation. Set in the 1950's....ish? He doesn't know that he has been hired by a necromancer. Eventually strange things happen in the house and it comes out that:
The necromancer had murdered another necromancer and the deceaseddeceased's body parts were traveling to the house to reunite and seek revenge. The narrator saw a hand in the hallway late at night. The narrator's employer is trying to cast protective magic to prevent his own death. The necromancer who was still alive had the deceased's head locked up somewhere. Eventually, the bodypartsbody parts come together and kill the narrator's employer.
The Necronomicon is mentioned and it is narrated in first person by the male narrator. Thanks!