Twenty years ago or thereabouts, I listened to an audio book about a scifisci-fi short story. I remember bits and pieces, and pardon the vagueness of it due it being 20+ years ago, but the general synopsis is as follows:
The story was being told by an astronaut in first person-person on board a space shuttle. The space shuttle was on a mission from Earth [to(to go somewhere]somewhere) but either something malfunctioned or something happened during the journey. Whichever the case, the space shuttle carrying human astronauts headed towards the moonMoon. They had to perform a slingshot manoeuvre in order to travel back.
There was an astronaut on board who was a mother of two children [her(her surname was Wolfe?]). Just before they performed the slingshot manoeuvre, she spoke to her children over radio, explaining what they were attempting to do. I vaguely remember the dialogue being, '...Hey kids! If you imagine running towards a tree, holding the trunk with one hand, and swinging around, that's what we are trying to do..'.
As the space shuttle entered the dark side of the moonMoon, they saw a city of lights on the moonMoon with bustling activity. The crew debated on relaying this information back to mission control, but the consensusesconsensus was to not make this information public.
A few years after they returned the, Wolfe wanted to share what they have seensaw with the entire world. Mission control didn't want the public to know about this city of lights they had seen.
The story ends with an official statement from mission control stating that [Colonel(Colonel?]) Wolfe tragically passed away suddenly [probably(probably implying they killed her to keep her quiet]quiet).
Please help me find the name of this short story or novel. Googling all types of phrases didn't help.
It's been 20 years. You're my only hope.
Many thanks and much appreciated.