- Yes, by definition he is a cyborg, which is an organic being that is enhanced by (or simply incorporates) artificial parts (or any type hybrid organism with both artificial and organic parts). Being that artificial eyes definitely require cybernetic technology, he would be appropriately called a cyb-ernetic org-anism.
Yes, by definition he is a cyborg, which is an organic being that is enhanced by (or simply incorporates) artificial parts (or any type hybrid organism with both artificial and organic parts). Being that artificial eyes definitely require cybernetic technology, he would be appropriately called a cyb-ernetic org-anism.
Other people with cybernetic implants, such as cochlear implants, pacemakers, contemporary visual prostheses, electromechanical limb prostheses, surgically installed cameras/computer interfaces, etc., would also qualify as cyborgs.
No other parts of him are artificial.
His eyes were replaced after Ma-Ma tortured him and gouged out his eyes. Andersen saw this when she used her psychic abilities on him, realizing that he was a victim and obeyed Ma-Ma out of fear rather than a willing member of the clan.
Other people with cybernetic implants, such as cochlear implants, pacemakers, contemporary visual prostheses, electromechanical limb prostheses, surgically installed cameras/computer interfaces, etc., would also qualify as cyborgs. 2. No other parts of him are artificial. 3. His eyes were replaced after Ma-Ma tortured him and gouged out his eyes. Andersen saw this when she used her psychic abilities on him, realizing that he was a victim and obeyed Ma-Ma out of fear rather than a willing member of the clan.