I think that Ridley Scott added the part of Decker being a repicantreplicant so that the movie would have different meansmeanings to everyone and cause great discussion about it but. But to me, the unicorn left behind means one thing - that otherothers have already said.
Gaff knows shesshe's a replicant and knows that Decker is in love with her, and decides to spare her.
When Gaff says "It's to bad she wontwon't live, but then again who does" means she only has four years of life and that Decker is becoming totoo infatuated with her but. But then again, she dies, and no matter who he ends up with will eventually die totoo.
That's just me though. I also kind of hate the idea that he is a replicant the. The movie to me is about mansman's ability to survive even against powerful things like replicants. I think directorsdirector's cuts do this totoo much it. It goes back to Star Wars who. Who shot first, Han or Greedo... Harrison Ford's characters just need to be left alone, lol.