###Before the Ferengi encountered the Federation, they were already an empire whose primary interaction with other alien civilizations was the establishment and continuation of profitable trade. This culture of trade is embodied within their Rules of Acquisition, which are a series of cultural mores built around what the Ferengi consider policies of successful, if not less than honest, trade agreements.
Before the Ferengi encountered the Federation, they were already an empire whose primary interaction with other alien civilizations was the establishment and continuation of profitable trade. This culture of trade is embodied within their Rules of Acquisition, which are a series of cultural mores built around what the Ferengi consider policies of successful, if not less than honest, trade agreements.
Replicators were capable of producing something as fresh and tasty as non-replicated foodstuffs, inorganically materialized out of patterns used by the transporters. (TNG: "Lonely Among Us")
Most people found replicated foods and drinks to taste exactly the same as "real" food, although some people claimed to be able to tell the difference. Furthermore, Federation replicators could be programmed to produce foodstuffs of acceptable "nutritional value". (TNG: "The Price", "Sins of the Father", "The Wounded", "Relics"; DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight", "You Are Cordially Invited")
In addition to foodstuffs, replicators could be used for replicating machine parts, clothing or other objects. Although clothing can be replicated for general wear, replicators will not allow non-Starfleet crew members to replicate official Starfleet uniforms. Industrial replicators could even be used to replicate heavier machine parts. (TNG: "The Game"; DS9: "For the Cause"; VOY: "Caretaker", "Phage")
Replicators aboard Starfleet vessels would not produce fatal poisons. (VOY: "Death Wish") Furthermore, replicators had biofilters which automatically screened out all contaminants. (DS9: "Babel")
###Why wouldn't a Ferengi just use a replicator?
Why wouldn't a Ferengi just use a replicator?
###Trade in materials not accepted or able to be replicated by the Federation