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What is this book featured “The Psychic Six”about psychic juvenile delinquents?

I remember reading a book about six boys who were in juvie.

  • oneOne could read minds
  • oneOne could see the future
  • oneOne was telekinetic
  • andAnd the main character didn't initially realize it, but he could manipulate others' emotions

They eventually called themselves "The Psychic Six".

What book is this?psychic six"

What book featured “The Psychic Six”?

I remember reading a book about six boys who were in juvie.

  • one could read minds
  • one could see the future
  • one was telekinetic
  • and the main character didn't realize he could manipulate emotions

They called themselves "The Psychic Six".

What book is this?

What is this book about psychic juvenile delinquents?

I remember reading a book about six boys who were in juvie.

  • One could read minds
  • One could see the future
  • One was telekinetic
  • And the main character didn't initially realize it, but he could manipulate others' emotions

They eventually called themselves "The psychic six"

Fixed English so that you’re asking a question, instead of making a vague statement and then yelling HELP as if you were a four-year-old child or something.
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Book identification What book featured “The Psychic Six”?

I remember reading a book about six boys who were in juvie. one could read minds, one could see the future one was telekinetic and the main character didn't realize he could manipulate emotions and they

  • one could read minds
  • one could see the future
  • one was telekinetic
  • and the main character didn't realize he could manipulate emotions

They called themselves "The psychic six"Psychic Six".

Help please!!What book is this?

Book identification

I remember reading a book about six boys who were in juvie. one could read minds, one could see the future one was telekinetic and the main character didn't realize he could manipulate emotions and they called themselves "The psychic six"

Help please!!

What book featured “The Psychic Six”?

I remember reading a book about six boys who were in juvie.

  • one could read minds
  • one could see the future
  • one was telekinetic
  • and the main character didn't realize he could manipulate emotions

They called themselves "The Psychic Six".

What book is this?

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