A mildly whimsical question:
After losing his X-Wing on Jakku, how did Poe get (another?) black one?
I mean in the sense of priorities. Was there some sort of dialog with the officer on duty on the flight line:
Officer: Glad to see you've recovered from all that torture, Poe. Here's your new X-Wing.
Poe: That's not mine. It's the wrong colour.
Officer: What?
Poe: It's not black.
Officer: Uhm, you and your squadron need to take off at once, we got word that BB-8 needs rescuing right now.
Poe: Sorry, I want it repainted.
Officer: Now?! The galaxy depends on you.
Poe: I save the galaxy in style or not at all.
Officer: < breaks down and sobs>
Why was this obviously canonical scene deleted, I ask?
Or do they have buckets of black paint standing around to spray on whichever X-Wing Poe needs to hop into?
To make this question a bit more earnest: while it's hard to see in the low light on Jakku, was that X-Wing also a black one? I don't have image-by-image capabilities to drill into that well enough. Does somebody have the ability to show a shot that clearly shows the colour, one way or another?