The newly released Netflix show Luke Cage is another series operating in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and it's closely related to Daredevil and Jessica Jones, especially since Luke was a character in the latter as one of Jessica's love interests.
Now, if my memory is right Jessica Jones ends with her and Luke still being together being relatively close, and the settings of Luke Cage take place several months after that episode. This seems to be confirmed when he tells Pop
he got shot point blank in the chin in one of the "JJ" episode that "even now gives him headaches"
But why is he hiding, living away from Jessica, getting paid under the table and struggling to pay the rent? He wasn't exactly poor previously and even if he lost most of his income
when his pub was burned down
he still could get a decent, legal job (even Pop mentions that he could pay him more if it wasn't in cash). While Luke does have a bit of illegal backstory, his current ID had to be at least good enough to give him alcohol license to work in his own pub.