In Legends canon, the Death Watch was a rogue faction of Mandalorians who had rejected the Mandalorian standards of honor and were notorious for their brutality. They were directly responsible for the death of Jango Fett's family, thus leading to his adoption by Jaster Mereel. It is also established that Mandalorian armor is more or less the same design, but customized by each warrior and therefore different colors according to individual taste. In Jango Fett's case, he inherited Jaster's blue & silver armor when the older man was killed in battle. He then discarded his old green armor for the blue & silver set to honor his adopted father.
In the new Disney canon, however, the Death Watch is a rogue political faction that rejects the pacifist policies of Duchess Satine of Mandalore. The relationship with Jango Fett is not mentioned, but all members of Death Watch can be seen wearing armor nearly identical to that of Jango Fett, with the "normal" Mandalorians wearing a slightly different design of armor.
So this leaves me with the question of why Jango Fett was wearing what, in effect, was a Death Watch uniform when he should have been wearing a different style of armor altogether. Or maybe it's been explained that the armor is an older style favored by old-school Mandalorians, but I must have missed that part if so.
In the new Disney canon, what is the relationship (if any) between Jango Fett and the rogue Death Watch faction on Mandalore?