I need help identifying a movie. I watched this in the late 90s when I was a kid. It's probably a tv movie but it could be theatrical.
Here is all of what I remember about the second half of the movie:
There is an alien in disguise that has infiltrated a family of 4 or 5. It is pretending to be the father, while the real father is temporarily subdued.
The older daughter notices that dad (alien) is not wearing his wedding ring, which becomes the family's method of identifying their father.
Some time later, during the climax, real dad has returned (injured and with wedding ring) and they are trying to escape.
Alien dad shows up again and the two fight; real dad is injured and his wedding ring is stolen.
Alien dad reunites with family, with wedding ring on finger, and they think everything's cool, but real dad shows up just in time to kill the impostor.
Family looks at him like WTF and he reveals his earlier injury, proving that he is in fact real.
Does anyone recognize these details and happen to know the name of this movie?