So, I picked up this book from the school library somewhere between Middle and High School. I feel as though, over time, I've mixed a few books together in my futile search. I'm in my mid 20's now, so It's been quite some time.
Here's what I remember. A boy or young man has to go on a quest of some sort to fulfill a prophecy or deliver something? He takes people with him, or adds people to his crew along the way. During this voyage, they have to hide inside a tree from flame fairies, or there is a fairy in the tree. Something within that jumble of misremembering.
I thought it was one of the Anne Mccaffrey books, but none of them sounded right when reading through some synopsis'.
That's honestly all I remember. I just remember it was epic and an awesome read at the time.
Taken from OP's comment:
I'm [not] sure of any names within the book. I feel like he was supposed to deliver something. There was much adversity along the way. Maybe the fairies knew what he was carrying, or were trying to sabotage his mission? No love interest as far as I remember. I read it in English and it did not have pictures.