Several years ago, Marvel Studios announced its list of planned movies for the Marvel Cinematic Universe far in advance. Originally, the list included Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 with a 2018 release and Avengers: Infinity War Part 2 in 2019.
At some point, "Part 1" was removed from the title of Infinity War, and the 2019 movie just became "Untitled Avengers film."
I can see two possible explanations for this change:
The Infinity War story which was originally planned to span two films was condensed to a single film, and the movie in 2019 will be another story entirely.
The story is still in two parts as originally planned, and Marvel simply decided to give the second part a different title.
My question is, is there any indication which of these scenarios is the case?
Note: I am trying to avoid spoilers, which is why I'm asking here rather than searching the net for an answer. I just want to know if the filmmakers have said whether Infinity War is still part 1 of a two-part story or not.