In TNG: "Coming of Age", Admiral Quinn gives Captain Picard the choice of becoming Commandant of Starfleet Academy.
QUINN: That's not enough. I want to promote you to Admiral, and I want you to take over as Commandant of Starfleet Academy.
PICARD: The Academy?
PICARD: The Academy?
QUINN: I need you close.
PICARD: Then there was never a problem with the Enterprise.
QUINN: No, but I had to be sure you hadn't been co-opted.
PICARD: Greg, this is politics, and I'm not good at politics. Surely there are others who are better suited.
QUINN: All right. Even if I am wrong, and I hope I am, you're still the best man for the job.
PICARD: I appreciate the value of what you're offering. It's not a decision I can make quickly.
QUINN: I need an answer soon.
If Quinn truly believes Picard is "the best man for the job" why did he not just order / transfer Picard to the Academy?