Looking for an old science fiction story about a spaceship that has to make an emergency landing on a forbidden planet. Once they land, they find the planet to resemble paradise, populated by a great variety of species of animal and plant life. Each animal and plant is unique, and there are unexpected hybrids of plants and animals. Turns out, the planet is contaminated by a highly contagious genetic virus which spreads genetic material from one species to another, pollinating trees with animal DNA and creating strange hybrids. The crew gets back on their ship and head back to Earth, knowing they’ll be quarantined on arrival. Then the ship’s cat, I think, unexpectedly has a litter of kittens with the face of the ship’s captain...Anybody read anything of the sort?
The story described above was a part of the larger collection, I think. I probably read it back in the nineties, in Russian, but it was likely translated from the original English, though it might have been by a Soviet sci-fi writer. I’m afriad that’s all I remember.