I'm excited to try to find a Sci-Fi short film which starts as a normal slice of life short, but ends up completely Sci-Fi.
It was shot on a camera with some CGI added in a few places, not complete 3D. It was only a few years ago, something between 2015-2020.
A guy wakes up or does something, if I'm not wrong, inside his own house, goes with a normal life routine, then standing in his kitchen (it seems to be it was a kitchen) he realises that something is wrong with sounds coming from the corridor or outside the apartment behind the door, I don't remember exactly. But for sure he follows the interest and encounters either an alien or some monster which eats him. This triggers a new loop cycle of him waking up and the loop continues somewhere from kitchen. Then the story becomes really weird because of getting used to the monster attack thus him experimenting with some alternative moves. It could be not a loop, but just a quick insight into the future or sort of, but somehow he finds his way through it and by exiting through the door finds himself in a huge hangar or something alike and that his apartment was an experimental room with some 3-digit number and the experimenters wearing antibacterial pinky costumes kill him to repeat the experiment.
It was clearly a short film, not a full-length movie. And it started as a horror, but ends up as a comedy. I might be mixing up few moments from two different short films though, but that's what I remember. And unfortunately searching through the web or youtube did not give me results.
UPDATE (comments) 27.11.22:
Doctor Who episode "Heaven Sent" - that’s a nice one, I should watch it. Thank you for the recommendation. But it’s not the one and let me add few exceptional things I remember about the short film:
- It's really less than half an hour, in perception something around 15-20 min max
- It's more of a modern life, just an ordinary house, ordinary apartment, not a castle, not a spaceship, just a home
- The character never leaves the apartment until the very end of the film, and when he does, he gets killed (or hibernated with a poison?) by experimenters
- The monster is quite abstract in the beginning, I do not remember the whole body being shown at all, maybe just a face full of sharp teeth as it seems
- The beginning starts with slow camera in darkness or some corners as a stadard technique used in most horrors
- I might be mistaken by the pink color of costumes, but there were definitely some characters entering and cleaning up the apartment between experiments, I just don't remember if it was shown explicitly or you may have guessed from the plot.
- The very final shot of it shows this room as a container in some bigger space with a red number on it.
Edge of Tomorrow is a good movie, the concept is similar but missing in the few points: 1) it's full-length while I'm looking for a short one, 2) the main character of the short film never leaves the room and when he finally does, he gets killed, 3) there are no famous actors in it