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How Common is Same-Planet Transporter Use?

Are transporters used to travel in between Earth cities or are there still conventional (shuttles) or new ways of travelling? I remember vaguely that Commander Riker once said he used all his transporter "rations" on Earth.

  • Why would anyone need to commute? Do you think that in Star Trek la-la land that Bob needs to be in to the office by 9 so he can start filing the virtual TPS reports?
    – John O
    Dec 25, 2012 at 3:20
  • @JohnO Dunno about the TPS reports, but yes, there were a couple episodes that showed working conditions on Earth - including working hours and being in the office. Both the ones I have in mind were from VOY
    – Izkata
    Dec 25, 2012 at 3:38

1 Answer 1


Short answer: no.

Going by this page and a Voyager episode where Tom and Harry catch a train to work, I'd say transporter use is very restricted, either to Starfleet personnel and/or sufficiently influential people (mainly politicians), and/or hard to earn (Starfleet may be an exception).

Even in the 24th century, we see that transporters should only be operated by highly-trained personnel (things can still go wrong), not something you'd want in every major city.
This assumes that non-Starfleet people would even want to use them knowing they were going to be "dis-assembled".

  • 2
    +1 for the episode Non Sequitur from Voyager; that's one of the two I was thinking of in my earlier comment, but didn't have time to look for
    – Izkata
    Dec 25, 2012 at 23:10

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