Now that A Memory of Light has been released are we able to deduce what Moiraine's questions / answers were and Rand's final one was from / to the Aelfinn?
We know two of Rand's:
- Question: How to cleanse Saidin? Answer: Unknown, but Herid said it "stated sound principles in both high philosophy and natural philosophy."
- Question: How can I win the Last Battle and survive? Answer: "The north and the east must be as one. The west and the south must be as one. The two must be as one. If you would live, you must die."
Edit: The third question will apparently be revealed in the forthcoming (print) encyclopaedia. (Source)
I don't think we know any of Moiraine's. We get to witness Mat's 3+
Related: What did Rand ask the Aelfinn?