In the third book of the original Foundation series, Second Foundation, Arcadia Darrell tries to escape from Kalgan and get to Trantor. In the spaceport, she is confronted by Police Lieutenant Orum Dirige who was ordered to look for her. After seeing her papers, though, and realizing that she is Arcadia, Dirige lets her go anyway.
Immediately after, when Arcadia asks Mr. Palver why she was let go, he replies:
"Well, Arcadia, child, it was easy. When you've been dealing with agents and buyers and competing co-operatives, you learn some of the tricks. I've had twenty years or more to learn them in. You see, child, when the lieutenant opened your papers, he found a five-hundred-credit bill inside, folded up small. Simple, no?"
Second Foundation Chapter 15: Through the Grid
However, Lieutenant Dirige turns out to be from the Foundations, and when he lands back in Terminus, Pelleas Anthor reveals this:
"Lieutenant Dirige is one of us. He was born on Kalgan, but his father was a Foundation man brought to that planet in the service of the Mule. I answer for the lieutenant's loyalty to the Foundation."
Dirige spoke easily: "As far as I know, Dr. Darrell, your daughter is at Trantor. At least, she had a ticket to Trantor at the Eastern spaceport. She was with a trading representative from that planet who claimed she was his niece. Your daughter seems to have a queer collection of relatives, daughter. That was the second uncle she had in a period of two weeks, eh? The Trantorian even tried to bribe me—probably thinks that's why they got away."
Second Foundation Chapter 16: Beginning of War
This indicates that it was Dirige's loyalty to the Foundation that saved Arcadia.
But then there is this gigantic spoiler:
Both Pelleas Anthor and Preem Palver - the same Mr. Palver who was with Arcadia when Dirige checked her papers - are of the Second Foundation. And Palver himself is no less than the First Speaker.
So this opens up a third alternative, which is that Dirige was mentally forced by Palver to let Arcadia go, and then made to confuse his history by Anthor. This renders moot the question of original loyalty entirely.
So why did Dirige let Arcadia go? Loyalty to the Foundation or mental force?