Magic Wand is a fairly common SFF trope, made ever-so-more popular by Harry Potter.
What was the earliest published SFF work where the trope was used?
- Wands are listed as a nearly-universal requirement for magic users to channel/focus their magic (e.g. doing magic without a wand may be possible but nobody or very few people are able to do so well). Specifically, this is about casting SPELLS (e.g. not potions, magic mushrooms or any other magical items/material that emit magic independently of the caster's effort at the time).
- There's more than a small handful of magic users to use them. (E.g. most Merlin-lore wouldn't usually count since Merlin is typically the only human mage there, even if he does have a wand). Let's say 6+ or 10+, although I'd strongly prefer hundreds or more.
- Ideally, this rule is explicitly specified in the work, by stating as an explicit rule, OR simply showing example of non-wanded mage not being able to cast spells which is explained as "because of a lack of a wand".
- A wand is a small stick-like object, possibly but not exclusively made of wood
- Clarke-esqie "Advanced technology is magic" is outside of scope - e.g., phasers or tricoders or sonic screwdrivers don't count.