The nastiest thing about the Borg is its Collective Intelligence. Remove it and individual drones won't be able to do anything big.
From the canon, individual Borg drones (disconnected from the collective) don't go crazy and they do work on their own asynchronously. But, without the access to the collective, they can't do strategic moves due to lack of co-ordination with other drones. Even local (disconnected) collective work in co-ordination.
For example, without the access to the/a collective, an individual drone can't adapt to energy weapons or the situation.
Why doesn't the Federation exploit this weakness simply by jamming the signal of the collective?
As I have recalled, Data once exploited the communication network (using infected Picard) to blow out Borg ship. But, this is not what my question seeks.
What are disadvantages of jamming the collective signal as anti-Borg mandate? Why isn't Federation using it?