For every wizard there's a wand: short, long, flexible, rigid, filled with bits of unicorn, phoenix and dragon (referring to the wands here, not the wizards and their diets); one wizard, one wand. Going by a variety of sources (pictures, the movies) Ollivander sells a staggering amount of wands of all variations: he's got hundreds, if not thousands of them on his shelves, each of them waiting patiently for their owner. Given all the variables in wand making there are 19.152 possible different wands, discounting physical differences.
But I wonder how he choses what kind of wand to make. Does he just one day go "I feel like making a 12" springy hawthorn wand with a dragon heartstring core" and make one of those? Does he look at his stock to determine what he's running short on and fill the gaps? Is it because Wandlore works in mysterious ways? Or is it something that has just not been mentioned?