Are there any Star Trek episodes (any series) that take place in the Beta Quadrant?
- TOS, TNG and ENT mainly take place in the Alpha Quadrant.
- DS9 somewhat takes place in the Gamma Quadrant.
- VOY mainly takes place in the Delta Quadrant.
I'm in the middle of DS9 after watching all of VOY and TNG, and I can't recall any episode that mainly took place in the Beta Quadrant or had any key action referencing that quadrant1.
Is there any episode that matches the above criteria?
1 Maybe except for the fact that I heard that the VOY crew was supposed to reach somewhere in the middle of Beta Quadrant, before the series was cut down. But that is not the context in which I'm looking for an answer.
EDIT: I'm asking about episodes where it is mentioned on-screen, they happen in Beta quadrant.