I recently starting watching Star Trek: Generations again. In the opening sequence when the Enterprise - B encounters the Nexus, Captain John Harriman seems to be completely paralysed with indecision, and instead requests that Captain Kirk take control of the situation.
Memory Alpha says the following:
Initially, Harriman was slow to respond and reluctant to attempt a rescue, aware that the Enterprise did not yet have a full crew complement and that several key systems were not installed; however, he was forced to respond as they were the only ship in range.
This seems strange for a captain who has been awarded command of Starfleet's flagship. I would have expected the captain of the Enterprise to be very experienced and has handled many difficult and dangerous situations. Even being awestruck by the presence of Kirk and his senior officers does not seem to be in character.
So my question is, Why does the captain of the Enterprise - B seem so inexperienced?