In the Doctor Who episodes The Zygon Invasion and The Zygon Inversion (series 9 episodes 7-8), the US town of Truth or Consequences features heavily, its name being used as the slogan for a Zygon rebellion. According to Clara (from The Zygon Invasion transcript):
JAC: Truth or consequences. What exactly does that mean?
KATE: It's just the usual kind of nonsense these idiots call themselves.
CLARA: It's in New Mexico.
KATE: What?
CLARA: It's a town in New Mexico. Truth or Consequences. Er, they renamed it after a TV show, for a bet or something. It's a Trivial Pursuit question. I used to memorise Trivial Pursuit questions so I could win.
Is this true? It sounds like just the sort of crazy thing that would be invented for Doctor Who, but is there really a town in New Mexico called Truth or Consequences?