1) Thundercats (Lion-O's Sword of Omens)
2) Zelda (Link's Master Sword)
3) Final Fantasy (Buster Sword)
4) Star Wars (Jedi lightsaber)
5) He-Man (He-Man's sword from Hasbro toys / Filmation animated series)
6) Necropolis (The Third Sword — thanks @Catija!; see image below)
7) Star Trek (Klingon bat'leth)
8) Adventure Time (One of Finn's swords, "Dual Sword" — they actually come in a pair)
9) Adventure Time (Another of Finn's swords, "Scarlet")
10) Adventure Time (Another of Finn's swords, "Root Sword")
11) Adventure Time (Another of Finn's swords, "Demon Blood Sword")
12) Adventure Time (Another of Finn's swords, "Pink Jewel Sword")
13) Adventure Time (Another of Finn's swords, "Steel Sword")
14) Adventure Time (Another of Finn's swords, "Sword of the Dead")
15) Adventure Time (Another of Finn's swords, "CG Sword")
Unnumbered swords (top-most row, partially obscured):
- Very top right corner: Finn's "Dungeon Sword"
- To the left of the dungeon sword: Finn's "Arm Sword"
- To the left of the shark sword: Finn's "Lightning Sword"
- The two to the left of the lightning sword: Finn's pair of wakizashi swords
- The two to the left of the wakizashis: Finn's pair of "City of Thieves" sais
- The one to the left of the sais: Finn's "Crystal Sword"
Very special thanks to @Catija for locating sword 6. Here is a supporting image for that one: