Assuming the same protocols prevent you from making alcohol as prevent you from making real chocolate, the answer is that whatever restrictions there are can be bypassed by a Lieutenant. In the TNG episode Up the Long Ladder, Worf is able to switch the replicator from synthehol to alcohol at the merest touch of a button.
In the b.g. a group of Bringloidi cluster about a food dispenser.
Danilo leads Worf to the wall unit and pushes past the waiting
[Worf presses a button]
DANILO (continuing) You see, lad, every moment of pleasure has to be
purchased by an equal moment of pain. (to the wall unit) Whiskey.
A glass MATERIALIZES. Danilo tries a belt. Makes a face. After a
lifetime of drinking potato whiskey this is really poor stuff -- far
too refined.
DANILO (continuing) Terrible.
It's not clear whether this option is also available to civilians.
EU Canon
In the EU novel Star Trek: The Next Generation: Debtor's Planet, civilian Ralph Offenhouse is able to switch the replicator to real alcohol without any involvement from a Starfleet officer.
“Why? Simple.” Offenhouse went to the replicator. “Two vodka martinis,
with olives,” he said. The replicator produced a pair of conical
glasses, and he carried one to Troi. “You were born into this century.
I wasn’t. I need to pick up the background, schlock and all. A good
businessman does things like that.”
Halfway to the turbolift, Deanna Troi noticed that the artificial
gravity was oscillating badly. The deck wobbled under her feet as she
went to the nearest comm panel. “Troi to La George, I mean Fordie, I
mean—are you there?” “Deanna?” Geordi La Forge sounded puzzled.
“There’s trouble with the grabbing art, I mean the artigrav, on deck,
uh, the deck where I am. Right here.”