J. K. Rowling had released (Harry Potter and Me and then Pottermore) the original draft for the names of the students in Harry's year.

Not counting the ones crossed out, these are the original forty names:

  1. Abbott, Hannah
  2. Bones, Susan
  3. Boot, Trevor
  4. Brocklehurst, Mandy
  5. Brown, Lavender
  6. Bulstrode, Millicent
  7. Corner, Michael
  8. Cornfoot, Stephen
  9. Crabbe, Vincent
  10. Davis, Tracey
  11. Entwhistle, Kevin
  12. Finch-Fletchley, Justin
  13. Finnigan, Seamus
  14. Goldstein, Anthony
  15. Goyle, Gregory
  16. Granger, Hermione
  17. Greengrass, Queenie
  18. Hopkins, Wayne
  19. Jones, Megan
  20. Li, Sue
  21. Longbottom, Neville
  22. MacDougal, Isobel
  23. Macmillan, Ernest
  24. Malfoy, Draco
  25. Malone, Roger
  26. Moon, Lily
  27. Nott, Theodore
  28. Parkinson, Pansy
  29. Patel, Madhari
  30. Patel, Mati
  31. Perks, Sally-Anne
  32. Potter, Harry
  33. Rivers, Oliver
  34. Roper, Sophie
  35. Runcorn
  36. Smith, Sally
  37. Thomas, Gary
  38. Turpin, Lisa
  39. Weasley, Ronald
  40. Zabini, Blaise

Which ones ended up becoming characters? What were their final names? Which ones have yet to be appear?

  • 11
    Accio @Slytherincess Commented Dec 24, 2015 at 4:13
  • I was going to try listing the names as they were written before emendation, but I came out with 41.
    – ibid
    Commented Dec 24, 2015 at 4:53
  • There actually was a surname "Moon" in the Sorting in the first book.
    – user69451
    Commented Jul 28, 2016 at 16:49

1 Answer 1


Everyone with no special note ended up as a book character as-is. Bolded names are those we don't really know anything about.

  1. Abbott, Hannah
  2. Bones, Susan
  3. Boot, Trevor (first name changed to Terry in the books - h/tip @Au101)
  4. Brocklehurst, Mandy
  5. Brown, Lavender
  6. Bulstrode, Millicent
  7. Corner, Michael
  8. Cornfoot, Stephen - Unknown fate
  9. Crabbe, Vincent
  10. Davis, Tracey (updated - As per @ibid's comment, I don't actually recall her being in canon, but don't have access to my books to double check. For some reason she was an extremely popular character in fanfic scenes though).
  11. Entwhistle, Kevin - Unknown fate. There was Annabel Entwhistle in one of the video games.
  12. Finch-Fletchley, Justin
  13. Finnigan, Seamus
  14. Goldstein, Anthony
  15. Goyle, Gregory
  16. Granger, Hermione
  17. Greengrass, Queenie - Discussed recently on SFF. Was likely split into book character Daphne Greengrass, and eventual FBWTFT film character Queenie Goldstein. The process of splitting surely attracted several fanfics.
  18. Hopkins, Wayne - Unknown fate. There was a Carl Hopkins in the video games, much younger than Harry.
  19. Jones, Megan - Unknown. People speculate she was included in the films. Or morphed into other canon Joneses.
  20. Li, Sue - no canon info. But given that only one major (or any) student is a Far-Eastern origin girl, she may have become Cho Chang.
  21. Longbottom, Neville
  22. MacDougal, Isobel - possibly turned into Morag MacDougal. There are also suggestions from fans that she became Isobel McGonagall, mother of Minerva McGonagall (hat/tip @thunderforge).
  23. Macmillan, Ernest
  24. Malfoy, Draco
  25. Malone, Roger - Unknown. Possibly crossed the fourth wall and became actor Joe Malone from FB film :)
  26. Moon, Lily - Proto-Luna-Lovegood. As per Pottermore, "[first intimation of Luna Lovegood, this name was never used, but gave me an idea for a fey, dreamy girl. She was named before I decided on Harry’s mother’s name.]". However, there was also a character with surname of "Moon" at Harry's sorting in PS: There weren't many people left now. "Moon" "Nott" "Parkinson"
  27. Nott, Theodore
  28. Parkinson, Pansy
  29. Patel, Madhari - possibly changed to Padma or Parvati Patil?
  30. Patel, Mati - possibly changed to Padma or Parvati Patil?
  31. Perks, Sally-Anne (sorted in PS)
  32. Potter, Harry
  33. Rivers, Oliver - Unknown. Name Oliver was re-used in Oliver Woods, Gryffindor Quidditch captain
  34. Roper, Sophie - Unknown
  35. Runcorn - was NOT on Pottermore "40" list (39 in length so he's missing). Possibly used for a adult wizard Albert Runcorn in DH.
  36. Smith, Sally - formerly known as Georgina. Possibly melted into Zacharias Smith who was also a 'Puff.
  37. Thomas, Gary - Unknown but likely morphed into Dean Thomas? @ibid's excellent comment below notes that JKR scrapbooks confirmed that
  38. Turpin, Lisa
  39. Weasley, Ronald
  40. Zabini, Blaise
  • 2
    Runcorn - bad wizard? Really, bad wizard? Like, even though he was Umbridge's subordinate and a really intimidating guy, he couldn't do spells well? (just kidding)
    – davidbak
    Commented Dec 24, 2015 at 6:16
  • 1
    Rowling has confirmed elsewhere (scrapbook section of her own website) that Gary was the precursor of Dean: "“This is a very old drawing from the “The Midnight Duel” chapter of “Philosopher’s Stone”. As you can see, Dean originally joined Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville for the adventure. As you can see from the written caption, Dean was called “Gary” in those days."
    – ibid
    Commented Jul 8, 2016 at 0:44
  • 3
    Didn't Trevor Boot become Terry Boot?
    – Au101
    Commented Jul 8, 2016 at 4:38
  • 1
    I think that Isobel MacDougal became Isobel McGonagall, mother of Minerva McGonagall. Commented Apr 21, 2017 at 1:36
  • 2
    @ibid - here waves around hands like a Jedi Mind Trick Commented Dec 31, 2017 at 22:31

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