In series 3 episode 8, Human Nature, the Doctor undergoes a painful biological transformation, making himself human and hiding away in early 20th-century England in order to escape the attention of the Family of Blood. Before doing so, he records a message and leaves it for Martha on the TARDIS. From the transcript of this episode:
(Martha turns on a recording the Doctor made earlier.)
DOCTOR [on scanner]: This working? Martha, before I change, here's a list of instructions for when I'm human. One, don't let me hurt anyone. We can't have that, but you know what humans are like. Two, don't worry about the Tardis. I'll put it on emergency power so they can't detect it. Just let it hide away. Four. No, wait a minute, three. No getting involved in big historical events. Four, you. Don't let me abandon you. And fi -
(She fast forwards it.)
MARTHA: But there was a meteor, a shooting star. What am I supposed to do then?
DOCTOR [on scanner]: And twenty three. If anything goes wrong, if they find us, Martha, then you know what to do. Open the watch. Everything I am is kept safe in there. Now, I've put a perception filter on it so the human me won't think anything of it. To him, it's just a watch. But don't open it unless you have to. Because once it's open, then the Family will be able to find me. It's all down to you, Martha. Your choice. Oh, and thank you.
We see points one to four, some wibbly-wobbly stuff in the middle when she fast-forwards, and then twenty-three. Does a full recording exist, including what the Doctor is really saying in that wibbly-wobbly bit? There must have been something actually said there, to give Martha some material to fast-forward through.