In The Force Awakens...
Han Solo gets Finn aboard the Star Killer base by effecting a light speed jump to within its shields, which succeeds completely - they seem to be undetected and able to carry on with their mission.
However, in the Battle of Endor there is an elaborate plan to eliminate the Death Star II's shields by attacking the shield generator on Endor before Lando can fly the Falcon into the heart of the Death Star II to lead the attack on the central reactor.
Why couldn't they have just used the same approach as Solo does in TFA?
I am unconvinced its an enhancement to the Falcon since none is mentioned, and indeed Solo just comments "you won't like it" when asked how he is going to accomplish the feat in TFA, so I assume its a simple technique. Some mention of "fractional shields" is mentioned, whereby the Star Killer base is protected against anything slower than light speed, but this just opens up the question of why not use a light speed weapon aimed at the right spot?