A friend was telling me about a storyline in the Fantastic Four where one of them died, so they confronted God and asked to have everything set right. When I search for this, I keep getting "God War," but that doesn't seem to be the right story arc.
First, what is the name of the story arc where they did meet God (so I can find it), and, second, if they can simply go to God when one of them dies and ask for them to be brought back to life, where is the challenge after that? Why not just do the same thing every time one of them dies? This same friend told me that in a recent storyarc, the Human torch died - why can't they just go back to God and ask for his life back again?
It seems to me including an event like this can remove suspense from later stories, so I'd like to read it, but would also be interested in knowing how it was handled so as not to just create a "get out of heaven free" card that can be played whenever necessary.