It's Deckard's second shot from a standing position and downward angle to the centre of her chest on or just below the solar plexus that kills Pris. The first shot, from floor level in an upward trajectory, has an entry point that appears to be to the left hand side of her stomach just below the rib cage as her body is arched back. Whilst the first shot floored Pris, there is no categorical evidence that the wound is a mortal one. Pris is wounded and on her back but not dying and is not thrashing about as a direct consequence of the wound. Pris, who was already in a rage, is now in a full on screaming tantrum just like a frustrated little 3 and a half year old child.
So, yes, a human could react in a similar way to the first shot and is very likely to react in a similar way to the second shot.
Interestingly, Pris Stratton's in universe "birthday" or incept day is coming up: February 14th 2016. Roy's birthday was just over a week ago on January 8th.